Status Of Coral Reefs In The Fiji Islands 2006 (CRISP)

Status Of Coral Reefs In The Fiji Islands 2006 (CRISP)

Status Of Coral Reefs In The Fiji Islands 2006 (CRISP)

COMPONENT 2A – Project 2A2 – Knowledge, monitoring, management and beneficial use of coral reef ecosystems


Download paper in pdf: Status Of Coral Reefs In The Fiji Islands 2006 (CRISP)

May 2007


Status Of Coral Reefs In The Fiji Islands 2006 (CRISP)
Status Of Coral Reefs In The Fiji Islands 2006 (CRISP)

In 2000, the Fiji Islands was at the northern edge of a large pool of unusually warm water, and suffered extensive hard coral death due to coral bleaching. A paper composed of a collection of studies from across the Fiji islands, linking this coral death to elevated sea temperatures at the time, was published (Cummings et al 2000). The difficulty of gathering data from very different sources, and which had been recorded using many different methods, established the need for standardised and regular surveys of representative sites across the Fijian archipelago, in order to measure long-term changes affecting the entire country.

With this in mind, a Fiji branch of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), the Fiji Coral Reef Monitoring Network (FCRMN), was formed, as part of the GCRMN South-West Pacific node. The FCRMN established 12 survey sites across Fiji, placed temperature loggers on some of them, and published a report focusing on the recovery of Fiji’s reefs between 2000 and 2004. (Lovell and Sykes, 2004)

This report follows up those sites which have been surveyed since that report, and presents the results of surveys carried out in 2005 and 2006. Some sites have not been followed up, and others have been established. More temperature loggers have been set out.

Download paper in pdf: Status Of Coral Reefs In The Fiji Islands 2006 (CRISP)

CRISP Programme

The CRISP programme is implemented as part of the policy developped by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme for a contribution to conservation and sustainable development of coral reefs in the Pacific

The Initiative for the Protection and Management of Coral Reefs in the Pacific (CRISP), sponsored by France and prepared by the French Development Agency (AFD) as part of an inter-ministerial project from 2002 onwards, aims to develop a vision for the future of these unique eco-systems and the communities that depend on them and to introduce strategies and projects to conserve their  biodiversity, while developing the economic and environmental services that they provide both locally and globally. Also, it is designed as a factor for integration between developed countries (Australia, New Zealand, Japan, USA), French overseas territories and Pacific Island developing countries.

The CRISP Programme comprises three major components, which are:

Component 1A: Integrated Coastal Management and watershed management

  • 1A1: Marine biodiversity conservation planning
  • 1A2: Marine Protected Areas
  • 1A3: Institutional strengthening and networking
  • 1A4: Integrated coastal reef zone and watershed management

Component 2: Development of Coral Ecosystems

  • 2A: Knowledge, monitoring and management of coral reef ecosytems
  • 2B: Reef rehabilitation
  • 2C: Development of active marine substances
  • 2D: Development of regional data base (ReefBase Pacific)

Component 3: Programme Coordination and Development

  • 3A: Capitalisation, value-adding and extension of CRISP Programme activities
  • 3B: Coordination, promotion and development of CRISP Programme

Download paper in pdf: Status Of Coral Reefs In The Fiji Islands 2006 (CRISP)

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