marine ecology consulting

About Us

Fiji and the South Pacific’s leading company for Coastal and Marine Ecology Assessments

marine ecology consulting is Fiji and the South Pacific’s leading company for Coastal and Marine Ecology Assessments as part of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), as well as offering marine conservation and management advice, educational courses and opportunities, and tourism-based marine programmes.

Our team of ecologists and marine scientists at marine ecology consulting offers a wide range of skills and experience in relation to issues relating to marine ecology and biology.


Services listed here are those we carry out most frequently, but we always welcome a new challenge! We are able to customise projects and programmes for most requirements related to marine / coral reef environments.

Marine Environmental Impact Assessments

After the passing of Fiji’s Environment Management Act 2005, the demand for EIA related Marine Resource Assessments has grown significantly. marine ecology consulting has grown to meet the country’s and the industry’s needs.

Marine Protected Areas

Marine Ecology Consulting is committed to developing and encouraging Marine Protected Areas throughout the South Pacific region and working with Conservation organisations and NGO’s to assist communities develop their own MPA’s.

Mangrove Management

Mangroves are the characteristic littoral plant formations of tropical and subtropical sheltered coastlines. They are variously described as coastal woodland, tidal forest and mangrove forest.

marine ecology consulting is Fiji & the South Pacific's leading company for Coastal & Marine Ecology Assessments


Marine Environmental Impact Assessments

Helen in the mangroves

marine ecology consulting is Fiji and the South Pacific’s leading company for Marine Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA).


We are involved in many different projects & programs in support of, & in the implementation of, eductaional studies & iterns

Anthias swarm

Fiji’s Environment Management Act 2005 (“EMA”) came into force on 1 January 2008

Our Clients

We have worked with domestic, regional and international consulting and engineering organisations.

Do you need assistance & are ready to start?

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