Fiji National Hub for Coral Reef Conservation

Fiji National Hub for Coral Reef Conservation connects community with government agencies to protect reefs

We’ve just kicked off the GEF Coral Reef Rescue Project: Resilient Coral Reefs, Resilient Communities, and launched the Fiji National Hub for Coral Reef Conservation!

Our stunning reefs are crucial for marine life, local livelihoods, and our economy, but they’re under threat. This project aims to protect and restore these vital ecosystems.

With WWF-US, WWF-Oceans, WWF-Australia, University of Queensland, and WCS Fiji leading the charge, our new National Hub will streamline conservation efforts and foster strong partnerships.

Fiji National Hub for Coral Reef Conservation
Fiji National Hub for Coral Reef Conservation launched by Permanent Secretary for Environment & Climate Change, Dr. Sivendra Michael

The Fiji National Hub for Coral Reef Conservation was launched in an ambitious attempt to safeguard Fiji’s coral reefs and ensure their vitality for generations to come.

The Hub provides scientific research and community insight to ensure that each policy makers are well informed.

The Permanent Secretary for Environment & Climate Change, Dr. Sivendra Michael says the Hub is a dynamic ecosystem for sharing knowledge, regarding coral reefs, with key stakeholders and community leaders.

He said, “the launch is a result of a collective commitment where science meets tradition and government agencies meet local communities.”

Country Director for the Wildlife Conservation Society say they are taking a community approach to ensure affected members of the community are involved in key discussions.

The Country Lead for Coral Reef Rescue Initiative, Carol Phua said, “the hub would serve as an advisory council to the Fijian government, allowing them to better protect the coral reef.”

Community representatives say they are grateful for the opportunity to voice their concerns on this platform and add the hub has provided them, and members of their community, with vital information on coral preservation.

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