There are now over 400 villages around Fiji working with government and nongovernment organization partners under the umbrella of the Fiji Locally Managed Area (FLMMA) network.
These villages all have one or more tabu areas within their traditional fishing ground of iQoliqoli and manage this together with other restrictions on what can be caught, when and how.
The Waitabu Marine Park is an excellent example of this.
The coverage of these Locally Managed Marine Areas is widespread; chances are that if you are on a reef area in Fiji you are within a managed area.
When you present your sevusevu to a village, they will inform you of any tabu that is in place within their iQoliqoli and of which you need to be aware.
Though the costs of continued community partners to reinvigorate the traditional practice of management are minimal they are not nill. You can read about the work of FLMMA and the wider LMMA network online.
Fiji Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, Fiji. Equator Initiative Case Study Series
United Nations Development Programme. 2012. Fiji Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, Fiji. Equator Initiative Case Study Series. New
York, NY.
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