The Great Fiji Shark Count


Vote for The Great Fiji Shark Count

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Report about the Socio-economic value of shark-diving in Fiji

Report about the Socio-economic value of shark-diving in Fiji

I would like to thank you for answering our questionnaires regarding the Socio-economic value of the shark-diving industry in Fiji. I would also like to thank you for granting us access to interview your costumers during our survey last year. 

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Kawakawa Grouper in FIji

Coral Reef Preservation

Please do not touch or walk on living coral.

Not everyone realises that coral reefs are made up of tiny animals less than one centimetre tall. The “stone” that you see is the outer skeleton of these tiny animals, which are retracted into the reef during the day. The outer, coloured layer of coral is the living area. Any broken grey area is no longer alive. …

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The Great Fiji Shark Count

The Great Fiji Shark Count

April 2012

Come and help celebrate Fiji’s magnificent Sharks, Rays and Turtles, have fun and show you care about our world’s delicate coral reefs: join the hunt for the Great Fiji Shark!

In 2012 Fiji is getting serious about Shark Protection!

Across the world it is recognised that sharks are vital to the health and balance of marine ecosystems, yet they are globally overfished and hunted to the brink of extinction. Sharks survived the dinosaurs, but they may not survive mankind unless we take action now! …

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Fiji Shark Sanctuary

Fijian National Shark SanctuaryLed by the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL), the Pew Environment Group, and the Fijian Ministry of Fisheries, we are working to declare all of Fiji’s waters a sanctuary for sharks but we can only do this with the continued will and support of the Fijian people.

Sharks have roamed our oceans since before the time of dinosaurs, but their long reign at the top of the ocean food chain may be ending. Around the globe, more and more of these creatures are being caught and killed for their fins, or accidentally as bycatch.

Honduras, Palau, the Maldives, the Bahamas, Tokelau, and the Marshall Islands have led the way by declaring their waters sanctuaries for these magnificent animals. We aim to bring the same protections to sharks in Fiji by creating a national shark sanctuary here, the first of its kind in Melanesia.

Join us by helping to raise awareness about the plight and importance of sharks to Fiji’s cultural and economic future. Learn how you can get involved in helping to make history. …

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Shark Fiji J Yonover

CORAL Campaigns to Protect Sharks

Sharks are commonly misunderstood and widely feared. These remarkable animals, however, are incredibly important for overall ocean health and, in particular, for coral reefs.

Sharks are often “apex” or top predators, helping to regulate species abundance and diversity while maintaining balance throughout an ecosystem. Studies have shown that coral reef ecosystems with high numbers of apex predators tend to have greater biodiversity and higher densities of individual species. …

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