The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count: A Fiji-wide biodiversity assessment

The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count: A Fiji-wide biodiversity assessment – (in prep) FICSF Fiji Islands Conservation Science Forum, August 2009, Suva, Fiji

Tourism-driven ocean science for sustainable use: A case study of sharks in Fiji



  • 90% of Fiji’s 27 Butterflyfish species can be found in most regions of the country.
  • A few species are confined to certain areas only (Black C. flavirostris , Fourspot C. quadrimaculatus, and Dotted C. semeion , in particular).
  • Butterflyfish numbers are high in most areas.
  • Most volunteer surveys showed an accurate species spread, but more careful identification training is needed.
  • It is important to have some scientific surveys of an area to identify likely species identification mistakes
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