exciting new fish and marine life guides

Some exciting new fish and marine life guides have been recently published

Some exciting new fish and marine life guides have been recently published, which will be useful for dive and snorkel operators, students and science professionals alike.

These can be ordered directly from the publishers on-line, printed to order, details and prices below. If you prefer to buy in Fiji, contact Helen@marineecologyfiji, as we do hold a few extras here.

Fiji Reef Fish book by Mark Rosenstein

at last a fish ID book specifically written for Fiji. No more mis-identification of species that turn out to only exist in the Red Sea !

“This is the first field guide to show every form of every fish in Fiji likely to be encountered by scuba divers and snorkelers. It includes 866 species from 92 families, with over 12,000 photos. All photos are of unrestrained live wild fish in their natural habitats.”

Includes photos of many juveniles and variations.

Available from: https://www.fijireeffish.com/book/

Cost US$ 64.95 (plus shipping from USA to Fiji US$ 201.20, and any taxes).

A few held in Fiji retailing at F$200 each (VAT included), click here….

The Reef Finder book by Russell Kelly

A large, bright, attractive general use guide that is great for all snorkellers, divers and glass bottom boat passengers to help them find out what type of thing they are seeing – it is colourful and fun, easy to use, and a fantastic addition to a resort library, kids club, or activities centre.

As recommended a Fijian Resort activities coordinator: “I am going through the first few pages and I am really impressed, amazed with the amount of work and effort to be able to put the information and the photos together.

“Great detailed information for our Staff and our Guests. Will recommend these books to other Dive Shops and Resorts. Really great work”

Available from: https://byoguides.com/products/reef-finder

Cost AUD$ 68.95 / US$ 43.38 (plus shipping from USA or Australia to Fiji AU$ 170, and any taxes)

A few held in Fiji retailing at F$200 each (VAT included)

The Coral Finder 2022 book by Russell Kelly

A guide to hard corals; an aid to scientific identification of coral species in great detail. Probably of more interest to divers than to general reef viewers, but still an interesting addition to a library or resource centre.

“The Indo Pacific Coral Finder delivers easy genus level coral ID anywhere between the Red Sea and Easter Island.Over 1730 images & expanded genus coverage. Updated as of March 2022.”

Available from: https://byoguides.com/products/reef-finder

Cost AUD$ 68.95 / US$ 43.38 (plus shipping from USA or Australia to Fiji AU$ 170, and any taxes)

A few held in Fiji retailing at F$200 each (VAT included)

Waterproof Paper

We also stock waterproof paper that can be laser printed (not ink-jet) or photocopied on to, written on using regular pencils, and cleaned off with toothpaste for re-use.

It comes in different thicknesses, from thin paper to card. We use 145 micron for underwater survey forms, but the 195 micron card is really useful for printing up your own in-water guides or posters for damp environments.

Available from: https://supplyme.co.nz/products/paper-envelopes-and-books/specialty-paper/synthetic-waterproof-paper-laser

  • 145 micron pack of 100 sheets NZ$ 89.45 (plus shipping and any taxes)
  • 195 micron pack of 100 cards NZ$ 85.31 (plus shipping and any taxes)

A few boxes of 100 145 micron held in Fiji, can be bought by box or by sheet (however many you need) at F$3.60 per sheet ( VAT included).

If interested in any of the above, contact Helen Sykes at [email protected]

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