Reef Monitoring Training : Fiji Department of Fisheries : June 2007

Reef Monitoring Training


A training workshop was carried out at the Department of Fisheries, Lami, Suva, Fiji Islands, aimed primarily at department of Fisheries research teams gathering data for Qoliqoli marine resources assessments.

Reef Monitoring Training
Reef Monitoring Training

Participants were mostly Dept of Fisheries staff actively involved either in gathering biological or socioeconomic data, or in data analysis and report writing.

The training concentrated on establishing current methods in use, and the ways in which Fisheries could improve their own data standards and contribute to the GCRMN network.

It included monitoring methods, practical identification skills, and simple data analysis and presentation.

Download pdf here: Reef Monitoring Training


Since 2002, the Fiji Dept of Fisheries has been tasked to make marine resource assessments of Qoliqolis across the Fiji Islands, as part of a programme designed to lead to better marine resource management fro the Fiji Islands.

Several monitoring methodologies were proposed for this project, and the one currently in use appears to have been based on one proposed by ProcFish.

However, the Fisheries staff present at the workshop did not have a written methodology available.

The methodology quoted below was written by Helen Sykes from the descriptions given by the staff at the workshop, and as such may include unintentional inaccuracies.

The GCRMN network relies on contributions from different organisations working across the Fiji Islands. It is hoped that the Fisheries department may be able to contribute data from their surveys to the network, and also to collect data on turtles seen in the areas of

This training will concentrate on methods suitable for description and quantification of shallow coral reef communities, concentrating on standardisation of monitoring methods, practical in-water identification skills, and data analysis and presentation.

Reef Monitoring Training – Fisheries Conference Room, Lami

21 June 2007, 9.00am – 5.00pm

Helen Sykes, Fiji Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and Reef Check Coordinator

Download pdf here: Reef Monitoring Training

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